There’s destruction everywhere:


________________A man rushes the lake
and ruins what might have been
_______________________a breathtaking still life.

________________The loon takes flight,
startled by the sound of water leaping,
________and drags her song through the air like a field

mouse taken by a hawk’s talons.

______________________________________No matter.
Birr trees waver by the shore,
and I remember:

________________________I almost drowned at a young age
________________________trying to appreciate
a closer view.

Now, every year is a year survived.

_____________________________________I mean,
the choice is always there, yes?

A petulant shadow
_______creasing the brow.


Published May 28th, 2020

Spencer Williams is from Chula Vista, California. She is the author of the chapbook Alien Pink (The Atlas Review, 2017) and has work featured in Apogee, Bright Wall/Dark Room, PANK, Anomaly, DREGINALD, and Powder Keg. She holds an MFA in poetry from Rutgers University-Newark and tweets @burritotheif.