Heather Guertin, False True Love, 2023, Oil on canvas, 48 x 40 inches


Men Kill

by Marchiano


I wonder whether
[to improve statistics]
[to bolster ratings on semi-annual performance
reports] [to feel as if they were accomplishing
something] [to not appear indecisive] [to
test new ammo]
men kill
[as a generalized form
of revenge] [as a generalized form
of boredom]
to create
[because they were
getting shot at] [because it was dark out]
an occasion
[because they mistook their targets]
for the grief
there was only a short time-window to do it]
they already feel.

[because they were paid to] [because they were told to]

[because they could]

(Italicized portions quoted from Heather Christle’s The Crying Book)


Published September 24th, 2023

Marchiano is a queer poet and activist residing in Brooklyn, NY.

Heather Guertin b. 1981, Worcester, Massachusetts, lives and works in upstate New York. She received her Master of Fine Arts from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Recent exhibitions include a two person exhibition at Kurimanzutto, Mexico City and a solo exhibition at JDJ Ice House in Garrison, NY, Two Thousand Eighteen, Brennan & Griffin, NY, Aluminum Linoleum, Proyectos Monclova, MX and The Whole, Galería Agustina Ferreyra, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Group exhibitions include Grouper, Broadway, NY, How to Call the Spirits, Chapter, NY, East Side to the West Side, Flag Art Foundation, NY, and Addicted to Highs and Lows, Bortolami, NY. She has performed in locations such as White Columns in New York and in participation with the Carnegie International in Pittsburgh, PA. In 2013, Guertin published a novella titled Model Turned Comedian with Social Malpractice and Publication Studio, which was acquired by the Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp. In 2015 a monograph of her works was published by Hassla Books.